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Scientific platforms

The LAPSE set up technological platforms to give access to our community to key equipments and know-how for research and training activities.The aim is to mutualize the material and expertise of the different partners to set up dedicated platform with state-of-the-art equipment and trained technical staff to use and maintain these critical equipments and train users. The platform are open to all members of the LAPSE and to West African researchers working on biosecurity issues.

There are currently 4 platforms within the LAPSE;

1) Cell Biology Plateform , based in LCM, for imaging and measure of cellular activities.

2) Plant Molecular Genetics Plateform , based in URCI and CERAAS, for the molcular characterization of biodiversity and identification of genetic determinants of key traits through genetics.

3) Plant Functional Genomics Plateform , based in LCBV, for experiments in plant biotechnology.

4) Microbiology Plateform , based in LCM, for identification and characterization of symbiotic soil microorganisms (nitrogen-fixing bacteria and mycorrhizae). This platform host a collection of reference of symbiotic microbes for West Africa.

5) Phenotyping platform , based in CERAAS, for ecophysiology and field trials.