The LAPSE is involved in the CultiVar training programme funded by the Agropolis Fondation .
It supports training through:
Teaching modules at Master level
Master in Plant and Microbial Biotechnology (BIOVEM), UCAD, Dakar
- Plant Genomics Module
- Plant-Microbe Interaction Module
Master in Bioinformatics and Biomathematics, UCAD, Dakar
- iPlant Module (Modelling in Plant Biology)
Regional training workshop
3rd regional traning workshop on genomics and plant breeding, CERAAS , Thiès, November 24th to 5 December 5th 2014.
Training workshop in Bioinformatics , UCAD, Dakar, Novembre 4th-8th 2013.
Training workshop in plant molecular biology and genetics , Dakar, November 19th-28th 2012.