Who are we?
The joint laboratory on the adaptation plant and associated microorganisms to environmental stresses (LAPSE ) brings together researchers from the Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD, Dakar), the Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research (ISRA), the AfricaRice Sahel Station (St Louis), the Thiès University and the IRD. This laboratory associate a unique combination of researchers in plant sciences and microbiology working at different scales (from genes to ecosystems ) to develop integrative researches on the use of plant and microbial diversity to increase crop yields and rehabilitate degraded ecosystems. Work is carried on in close collaboration with several research teams from West Africa. The LAPSE also support some regional training courses on new topics not yet taught in the region (genomics, bioinformatics,...).
The LAPSE is co-directed by Pr Ibrahima NDOYE ( UCAD) and Dr Laurent LAPLAZE ( IRD).